ISMK for Corporates

Welcome to ISMK, a powerhouse for high-quality research in mobile security. As advocates for advancing mobile security, we stand at a unique intersection of academia and industry, fostering an environment that caters to both innovation and application.

We extend an open invitation to all forward-thinking corporate entities to collaborate with us, harnessing our decades-focused expertise in the wireless and mobile security space. Our research team stands ready to provide solutions to your specific needs.

Technology City Background

ISMK is baked by an “eingetragener Verein” as a non-profit association in Germany. This puts us in a uniquely privileged position to conduct independent research, uninfluenced by commercial interests. This independence, matched with our unwavering commitment to excellence, means the findings you receive are always unbiased, reliable and rigorous.

Furthermore, we provide corporate entities with the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of mobile security research by supporting our institute. Partner with us and be a part of our mission to shape a safer and more secure mobile future. Collaboration with ISMK symbolizes commitment to excellence, innovation and the tenacity to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of mobile security.